• Trump loves Hindus, India & Modi
  • Trump does not take money from any Lobbyist or Foreign Governments
  • Trump is a great Businessman and will create prosperity for all
  • Trump will create 25 million new jobs for next 10 years and expand economy by 4% per year
  • Trump will reduce Taxes by more than 50% on Businesses, reduce Taxes for middle class by 10% and even reduce National debt
  • Supports skilled legal Immigration
  • Trump will repeal and replace Obama Care
  • Trump as a businessman knows how to control Waste and Fraud in Government


  • Hillary is Anti-India, Anti-Hindu, Anti-Modi (Click Here)
  • Hillary is funded by supporters of Radical Islamic Terrorists (Click Here)
  • Hillary is Anti-Business & ProUnions
  • Hillary will Increase your Taxes to more than 50% and National debt by 30% to $88,235 per citizen
  • Hillary is Anti-Immigration from India (Click Here)
  • Hillary Care health plan will double your cost and cut your benefits to half
  • Hillary will expand the role of Government and thus Increase Waste and Fraud of your Tax dollars
  • Hillary Card Check Legislation (Click Here)

Donald J. Trump is a successful Non-politician Businessman who will stop Illegal Immigration, will cut waste and fraud in Government, will make great trade deals, will make all Foreign countries to pay U.S. for protecting them. He is not taking any money in Wall Street and Lobbyists. He will grow the economy by 4% per year and create 25 million new jobs in next 10 years just like President Reagan did.

He loves Hindus and India. He has declared that Hindus have made a fantastic contribution to world civilization and American culture. He’s also made clear that he and India under leadership of PM Modi will be best friends, He supports skilled base and legal immigration

1. Hillary insisted that Modi Visa ban remain in-tact. Congressman Walsh on April 5th, 2012 asked Hillary to lift the ban. Hillary denied the request on April 23rd, 2012. Subsequent to Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers visit to Gujarat in March 2013 to end Modi’s US isolation (arranged by @iamshalabhkumar), Obama and Hillary’s State department fought NIAPPI’s, niappi.com, weekly fight to lift the ban until one day before Modi’s election win in May of 2014. (Click Here)

2. Hillary is in favor of keeping foreign aid to Pakistan, in favor of giving F16 fighter Jets to Pakistan, just like Obama proposed in October of 2015 (stopped by RHC in December 2015) (Click Here)

3. Bill Clinton imposed the first trade embargo on India in late 90’s

4. Clinton’s have always advocated in favor of giving Kashmir to Pakistan

5. Hillary favors declaring the most peaceful RSS as a Hindu terror group

1. In January 2015 Hillary took $500,000 Campaign contribution from Mohammed Tahir Javed Group in Houston, Texas., known for it’s financial support of Lashkare-Taiba that was responsible for Mumbai terror attack as well as terrorist attack on Indian Parliament.

2. Clinton foundation took $25 million dollar from Saudi Arabia, the source of all madrassas and terror indoctrination of young Muslims, and funding “Love Jihad” to convert Hindus and Christian girls to Islam like in the state of Kerala in India.

1. Hillary Supports Wall Street and not Main Street, has taken tens of millions of dollars in speaking fees.

2. Hillary supports and will double down on “Card check legislation” that will destroy small businesses like the ones owned by Indian Americans

3. Hillary will bring “License Raj” to America

1. Democrats and Hillary are for “Borrow and Spend”. Obama has doubled National debt from 9 trillion to 18 trillion in just 8 years threatening the future of children and grand children and enslaving U.S. to China. Hillary is Obama squared!

2. Hillary will increase Taxes on small business and Entrepreneurs and ultimately all working Americans to subsidise those who do not wan to work and are on welfare.

1. Hillary wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegal’s primarily from South America whereas highly qualified 1.5 million Indians wait for their Green card for 50-75 years.

2. Hillary is in favor of S744 Immigration bill that will put severe restrictions and L1 Visa holders from India and bankrupt 5000 Indian American owned IT businesses, send more than 250,000 L1 Indians back to India hurting India’s economy by 30 billion dollars per year while crippling the U.S. economy

Under Obama Care insurance costs have doubled and benefits have become half for most Americans. Obama Care is only a soft version of Hillary care which she produced in 1993 that was totally rejected by Americans under the leadership of Newt Gingrich and his contract with America in 1994. Hillary will only double down on Obama Care and destroy one of the best heath care systems in the world.


  • Supports legal immigration & strongly condemns illegal immigrants
  • Recognises Indian immigrants as a strong backbone of USA


  • Very flexible and unplanned policy for immigration. Actually very lenient with illegal immigrants
  • Flip flop on policies


  • Plans to create 25 million jobs over 10 years.
  • Wants to secure jobs and green card status for Indian-Americans


  • Her plans will create only 10 million new jobs.
  • No such plans for Indian-Americans.


  • Very strongly against Islamic terrorism and vows to eliminate ISIS and other terrorist organisations
  • Advocates Strict action and vetting of potential immigrants from suspect countries
  • Called for closer relationship with Russia, Europe and Asia.
  • Promotes shouldering a greater share of National defence expenses of Asia against Terrorism


  • Responsible for uprising of ISIS by her actions in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Iran as Secretary of state.
  • No such policy in place or expected.
  • As secretary admitted refugees who were later charged for terror related activities.
  • No such policy in place.


  • Wants to lower Individual and Corporate Tax to 15% as against the existing 35%


  • Proposed for a 4% surtax on incomes over $5m, thereby increasing the individual tax rate for higher and upper middle class.
  • Top 1% would pay for roughly three-quarters of Mrs Clinton's tax increases.


  • Against the Card Check legislation which allows employees to form a union without a secret ballot
  • All for restoring working rights and equal opportunitty. Saving businesses from bankruptsies.


  • Strongly advocates the Obama-initiated Card Check legislation - compromising and undermining workers' rights and bargaining power. Also, does not allow for a secret ballot where an employee would not be targetted for opposing.
  • Diminishes worker's rights and very business unfriendly


  • Will promote Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
  • Will allow fair competition within each state to reduce insurance costs
  • Will act immediately to reduce insurance premiums
  • Insurance with low deductibles
  • Medicaid to be limited to legal residents and stop misuse of Medicaid
  • Save taxes of Americans by preventing misuse of funds


  • Will continue with disastrous Obamacare
  • Obamacare trying to monopolise healthcare and likely to leave people with little or no option
  • Contrary to promise, Obamacare willnactually increase premiums by 30 - 40%
  • Deductibles likely to increase to as much as $6000
  • Medicaid highly misused and benefits a large number of illegal immigrants
  • Over 300 Bn of taxpayer's money spent on Obama Healthcare annually